Thursday, June 21, 2007

Conference Time

It's getting close to RWA conference time and I can't begin to tell you how excited I am. First off, I don't even have to get on a plane for this one. And even though that seemed boring at first, after the flights I've had lately, I have to say I'm now thrilled.

If you're new to the conference circuit and planning on attending RWA, you'll find a TON of workshops, covering every aspect of writing technique you need to know. Then there's marketing/time management/website building and all sorts of other writer related topics. I've sort of passed the point where I attend a lot of workshops. My first year, I probably attended 5-6 a day. But now, I'm doing good if I attend 5 the entire time. Why? Well, a lot of things being covered are things I already know and to be quite honest - I'm a horrible student. I'd rather read a book than hear someone talk. So why spend all that money to attend a conference when you don't even go to class? Simple, because conferences are the best motivational tool on the face of the earth.

Imagine a hotel full of 2000+ published/aspiring romance writers. All talking about writing, the business, the process, the everything. It's a high that I simply can't explain to non-writers, but anyone who writes and has been to conference knows exactly what I'm talking about. Plus, there's opportunities to get face-to-face with your agent and editor. For those not yet published, there's opportunities to get face-to-face with your potential agent/editor.

The absolute best part about conference is seeing your writer friends from other states/countries. RWA is usually the only chance you get to see the people who have become close to you through writing. And not a moment is wasted. Last year, I don't think my cp, Cindy, and I ever got into bed before 2:00 am - and we were right back out by 8:00 am at the latest to get more.

You go home exhausted but utterly fulfilled. So if you get a chance, I always recommend attending a conference. If you can't swing a national trip, check your area and see if there's anything closer to you - even if it's only a day. It will be well worth it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've only been to local conferences, but they were a lot of fun. Though it was more fun doing the whole networking thing than anything else. :)

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