Wednesday, September 06, 2006

How to Piss Off Your Cat and Spend $150

Today's topic - Hairballs.

We have a huge kitty named Vinnie. Technically, he's a feral cat (my husband rescued him and seven other kittens from under an air conditioning unit at his job). Thank God he gave away six of them before he got home with the last two - Vinnie and Marie.

Although Vinnie is probably not supposed to be a purebred, breeders always assume he is a Maine Coon. He is a huge cat (weighs in at 19-22 pounds, depending on season) and that's not fat. He's got this enormously thick set of fur and huge green eyes and he's absolutely gorgeous. This first picture is one of Vinnie before the $150 left my wallet.

The problem - the heat in Dallas this year.

Now Vinnie is eight years old and I have to say that until this year, I haven't had that much of a problem keeping knots out of his fur. Realize, of course, that a cat will only tolerate a brushing for so long before they've had enough. And when a cat has had enough of anything, that's when you stop. Completely.

So Vinnie's hair kept knotting worse and worse and I couldn't get it out, so we got him a haircut - a Lion Cut to be exact.

So check out the next picture and see how you can piss off your cat and spend $150 at the same time. Isn't he cute????? I wish he would have stood for the picture and you could have seen the furry little back feet. It's too much!


Jaye Wells said...

He's bowing his head in shame! Poor guy. Bet he feels better in this weather without all the hair though.

Jana DeLeon said...

He really does seem to feel a lot better. All that matted hair had to have been pulling on his skin. And he really is super cute with his new "do."

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